Re: Re: Eph. 2:8-10

From: Revcraigh (
Date: Thu Jan 22 1998 - 19:54:15 EST

In a message dated 1/22/98 6:11:00 PM, you wrote:

<<What I find intriguing is the insertion of THS before PISTEWS by the
majority of manscripts, including A, D2 and Psi. The anarthrous PISTEWS
is strongly and widely supported by the earliest manuscripts. The
question I have is, if the anarthrous construction is authentic, why
would a scribe add the definite article?>>

I suppose he might have thought that the PISTIS through which we are saved by
Grace was "the faith" (that is, the body of teaching handed down from our Lord
through the Apostles). The idea being that it is through the message
proclaimed and taught that God's gracious salvation comes to us. "Faith comes
by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" (Rom. 10: 17).

Rev. Craig R. Harmon.

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