Re: software question

From: Randy LEEDY (
Date: Fri Jan 23 1998 - 07:28:21 EST

To Jeffrey and any others who may be interested, I will extend again
an invitation to email me for a rather lengthy review comparing Logos
and BibleWorks for Windows. Please use the subject line "software
review," and you will get an automatic reply including a 40K ASCII
file containing the review. I've recently updated the review to take
into account the latest major releases of both programs.

One feature that BibleWorks has recently added in an interim release
available via download is a vocabulary list generator. Feed the
program a verse range or a list of ranges, and it will return a
sorted vocabulary list. I don't have all the details; I believe it
includes frequency figures, and I'm assuming that the user has
several sort options (by frequency, alphabetical, etc.).

Dale Wheeler, are you listening? This would be a good feature for
Gramcord that would seem not too difficult to implement. And I
suspect your lemmatization might be more to most of our liking than
that of the Friberg database, which BWW uses.

In Love to God and Neighbor,
Randy Leedy
Bob Jones University
Greenville, SC

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