RE: nt humor.

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Sat Feb 07 1998 - 13:03:03 EST

At 02:59 PM 2/7/98 -0000, Peter Phillips wrote:

>I don't agree that we limit ourselves on b-greek to what the Bible reveals
>of Jesus. Surely on b-greek we limit ourselves to discussion of the text.

I agree precisely with your second sentence - we limit ourselves to
discussion of the texts or of the Greek language. But doesn't that limit
our discussions of Jesus to that which is contained in the text itself?
>The Bible reveals one Jesus to me and evidently another Jesus to several
>other people. What matters here is what the original Greek means - how we
>then decide how that relates to a historical/eternal being is immaterial.
> Get the Greek right whether it refers to a camel, a rope or a saviour!
> And then discuss the theology in housegroup!!!


Texcel Research

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