Bibliographic Resources

From: Micheal Palmer (
Date: Mon Feb 16 1998 - 11:58:47 EST

I have just uploaded some new additions to the Greek Language & Linguistics
Gateway. I've added a link to the site for joining the Hellenistic Greek
Linguistics List, a connection to Linguists Software, and a new
bibliographic resources page.

Where before there was a connection to my bibliography of Hellenistic Greek
Linguistics, there is now a connection to a separate Bibliographic
Resources page. The new page is divided into three sections.

The first section contains connections to three different bibliographies of
Greek Linguistics (including Rod Decker's and the new one Carl mentioned by
Michel Buijs). It also contains a link to the United Bible Societies
Scholarly Publications Page.

The second section contains links to other linguistics bibliographies on
the web. These do not deal specifically with Greek. I included them to help
those of you who want to learn more about linguistics. I have tried to
present a balance between bibliographies which represent different schools
of thought.

The third section is potentially the most powerful. It contains a single
link to the OCLC First Search Database. The Houston Public Library has made
its access code and password available to the public through TELA. The link
on my Bibliographic Resources page takes you to the place to get this
information and then allows you to move on to the database itself.

The First Search database can give you information on just about anything
in print and even tell you which libraries own copies! In some cases, you
may even be able to view the full text on-line.

I hope these new resources prove useful. For anyone working on a
dissertation, a term paper, or research for an upcoming article or book
they should be very helpful. The URL for the Greek Language and Linguistics
Gateway is in the footer at the end of this note.

If you have any suggestions for other items related to Greek Linguistics
which you would like to see on the Gateway, please send me email off-list.

Micheal W. Palmer
Religion & Philosophy
Meredith College

Visit the Greek Language and Linguistics Gateway at
You can also access my online bibliography of Greek Linguistics at

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