Re: YUCHN in Jude 15

From: Ben Crick (
Date: Mon Feb 23 1998 - 21:56:59 EST

On Mon 23 Feb 98 (08:03:06 +0000), wrote:
> Could you tell me a little about Nestle-Kilpatrick BFBS text. Is it a
> complete NT. How exhaustive is the apparatus, compared to NA26/27? Is
> the book available? I have never seen it. I have read articles by
> Kilpatrick but his NT text I have never laid eyes on.


 I bought my copy from the British & Foreign Bible Society, London, in 1960.
 The Preface reads:

 "This new edition [of the GNT] with a revised critical apparatus has been
 prepared to mark the 150th anniversary of the Society. It is the result of
 some years of collaboration between Dr Erwin Nestle of the Wuerttemberg
 Bible Society and Professor GD Kilpatrick of The Queen's College, Oxford.
 The former has long been known to students of the Greek text as successor
 of an illustrious father in the editing of the famous series of editions
 of the Greek New Testament under the auspices of the Wuerttemberg Bible
 Society. To Professor Kilpatrick the Society's thanks are specially due,
 for his unremitting labours in the task of editing this new edition and
 particularly for ensuring that the work of British scholars during the last
 fifty years should be fully represented in the revised Apparatus...
 "This second edition of the Bible Society's text goes forth in the confident
 hope that a new generation of students, and especially translators engaged
 on Bible Society editions in many parts of the world, will find it a worthy
 successor to that of 1904. Misprints which have been discovered in previous
 impressions have been corrected in this one.
 "/The Bible House, London/ W.J. BRADNOCK
 1958 /Secretary for Translations/"

 The text uses a medium oblique typeface for easy reading, with OT (LXX)
 quotations and/or allusions printed in Bold upright type.

 "The Apparatus, which replaces the more limited one of the 1904 edition,
 is intended to give a selection of the most important variant readings
 including all readings of moment which may be original, those which are
 characteristic of the main types of text (such as the Western Text), and
 other readings of special interest....".

 There is a complete list of the Papyri; the Uncials; then families; then
 individual miniscules; then Versions; then Fathers. Then there is a complete
 list of the Eusebian Canons. The MSS are designated by their Gregory von
 Dobschuetz identities and their von Soden equivalents; date and provenance;
 present location; and approximate contents.

 The prefatory material runs to xxvii pages.

 I daresay this edition has been superseded by the current UBS GNT which
 you have. Ask at UBS headquarters, or see their website if you know the URL
 (I don't).

 My hard disc resident GNT is the 27th revision of the Nestle-Aland /Novum
 Testamentum Graece/ as published by /Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft/, Stuttgart,
 1993. It is "text only" without the Apparatus Criticus. In places (e.g.
 Jude 15) it differs from the Nestle-Kilpatrick version; obviously a different
 editorial decision regarding which MS or MSS to follow. As it has no App
 Crit, I can't compare the two.



 Revd Ben Crick, BA CF
 232 Canterbury Road, Birchington, Kent, CT7 9TD (UK)

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