Re: What is the Greek curse word that Paul uses?

From: Ben Crick (
Date: Thu Mar 12 1998 - 16:59:49 EST

 I posted this way back on 7th March, but it got lost in cyberspace...

ÊOn Thu 5 Mar 98 (21:03:41), wrote:
>ÊDoes anyone know of the curse word that Paul uses in one of the
> letters? If so, what letter is it in? Also, how was it used in
>Êeverday life?

 Dear Justin,

 I think you must be referring to 1 Corinthians 16:22, EI TIS OU FILEI

 ANAQEMA is a shortened form of ANATEQEIMENON, something placed or setÊup.
 It refers to a pagan votive offering placed in a temple in front of an
 idol, and therefore "anathema" to a Christian, and a CheReM to aÊHebrew.
 A /CheReM/ in Hebrew refers to something "devoted to destruction";Êlike
Êall the spoils of the Battle of Jericho. God would "do thus and moreÊalso"
 to anyone who appropriated something that was dedicated to YHWH to
 destruction. The Arabic word /Harem/ (the quarters of the multipleÊwives
 of an Arabian sheikh) has the same idea. Violation of the Harem isÊpunishable by death.
 In the LXX, ANAQEMA translates CheReM. In the NT, see also Romans 9:3,
 1 Corinthians 12:3, and Galatians 1:8-9. For a non-Pauline use seeÊActs
 23:14, where forty conspirators bound themselves by a great curse
 /ANAQEMATI ANEQEMATISAMHN hEAUTOUS/ that they would eat nothing until
Êthey had slain Paul. I often wonder how they got off the hook when they Êfailed to kill him!


 Revd Ben Crick, BA CF
 232 Canterbury Road, Birchington, Kent, CT7 9TD (UK)

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