
From: Steven Cox (scox@ns1.chinaonline.com.cn.net)
Date: Sat Apr 11 1998 - 21:52:05 EDT

Dale, Greg
Okay thanks I have some reading to do. (man, Greek is a sight more
expensive than any other language :-( )

I presume that the indexes in new edition(?) of Wallace are useful?
Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics (now with 3 indexes) $32.95
Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax $19.95

Oh - and is Wallace's thesis still in print?

PS - Jim
did Barr's review of TDNT mention that it weighs 10 kilos?
That should add another $70 in postage to CBD's $324.95 :-O
Haven't Erdmann's heard of CD Roms?

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