RE: Wallace

From: Alan Wong (
Date: Mon Aug 09 1999 - 00:51:56 EDT

Hi all,

About Wallace's Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics ...

David asked:
> I don't often see it referred to on this list. Do list members find it
> useful?

His friend Bill Mounce refers to it simply as "Wallace." GGBB
would work for me. I find it very useful, although its methods
seem too wedded to structuralism for my tastes. It seems to me
that the language is more dynamic than Wallace's examples would
indicate. I'm probably closer to a minimalist than Wallace would

Clay wrote:
> Wallace is useful if you don't mind the overall approach he takes to
> questions of grammar. There is a lot of useful information in his book
> but I have a hard time separating the "information" from the method and
> the method is one I don't buy into. I would like to hear a discussion
> between Stanley Porter and Micheal Palmer and Daniel Riano and on the
> methodology employed in Wallace's book.
> I would also like to hear it discussed by a semiologist like Umberto
> Eco. But after all this is the real world and
> "You can't always get what you want." Mick Jagger

There is a review of Wallace's grammar in a recent Journal of the
Evangelical Theological Society by Richard Erickson (JETS 42/1: 128-29).
I think he gave it an A-/B+. Erickson thought it excelled in helping
students with decoding Greek syntax, attempting to address the difficult
question of verbal aspect and treating thoroughly the article. What
impresses me about Wallace is that quite a number of people outside
dispensationalists circles recognize his pedigree as a grammarian. In
my Greek class this summer my prof told me that Wallace has been
asked to take over the editorship of BDF!!!

-Alan Wong
M.Div. candidate GCTS

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