Re: hUYEI and TAPEINWSEI in James 1:9-10

From: Paul Zellmer (
Date: Tue Apr 21 1998 - 14:29:14 EDT


I have tried three times to respond to your response to my original
message. I would get about halfway through my response, and, time and
again, the power would go out! I apologize that I am not quoting it
here, but I am having to use my laptop and send my response from Manila
(a ten-hour trip away from Cabagan!) Your message isn't on this
computer. So all of you will have to depend on your memory, or on the
archives, when they get caught up.
 You identified my confusion with the sigma correctly. I DO realize
that there is no future subjunctive, at least in the GNT. And, if I
read your response correctly, there is not any in classical greek
either. And I had forgotten about the -SIS ending. Thanks.

My reason behind the question was the sense that I would have liked to
find in these clauses. It's not really eisegesis. It's trying to
understand the breadth of the text. I would have liked to see the
subjunctive-type concept here when James talks about the low being
raised, or the rich being lowered. Maybe this uncertainty of the
raising or lowering is already included in the prepositional phrase.
Can the EN phrases express possible occurences only as opposed to
events which definitely will take place?

Thanks for the thoughts of you and the other list-members on this.



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