Re: Jn 21:15-17 in English

From: Steven Cox (
Date: Mon Apr 20 1998 - 09:36:29 EDT

        Hi Paul
        I hate to say this, but what if your lovely wife is right? :-)

At 22:47 19/04/98 EDT, Paul S. Dixon wrote:
>First >Peter would seem to be contradicting himself, for he first says, yes
>he does, then says no he doesn't

        Is my soup better than mothers?
                        Yes darling you know it's delicious
        Is my soup good?
                        Yes darling you know it's delicious
        Is my soup delicious?
                        Darling! You know it all. It is delicious!

>Second, in verse 17 Christ uses FILEIS instead of AGAPAS, but John seems
>to view this as the third time <snip>

        Don't do that George.

        George, leave Tibbles alone please...

        Right! this is the third time I'm telling you, untie the
        cat and go to your room!

        Best regards

> First, Christ twice asks Peter,
>AGAPAS ME; Each time Peter responds, "yes, Lord" (NAI KURIE). If he had
>not added anything else, we would undoubtedly conclude that Peter meant,
>yes, he does AGAPEI Christ. By adding FILW SE, however, does he somehow
>mean to say, "no, I do not AGAPW SE, but I do FILW SE," or that he is
>saying, "no, I do not say I AGAPW SE, but am saying I FILW SE." Either
>way, Peter would seem to be contradicting himself, for he first says, yes
>he does, then says no he doesn't (if he understands AGAPAS and FILEIS

        Only if AGAPAW and FILEW are antonyms, but they aren't:

>Second, in verse 17 Christ uses FILEIS instead of AGAPAS, but John seems
>to view this as the third time that Christ said FILEIS (hOTI EIPEN TO
>TRITON FILEIS ME;). This seems to be possible only if John understands
>the two terms for love as being used interchangeably here. Is it really
>a plausible alternative interpreation to say, "because He spoke the third
>time and said FILEIS ME," as though FILEIS ME was not the third time this
>had been spoken?

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