Re: 1 Cor 14:27--number agreement

From: Trevor M Peterson (
Date: Wed Jun 24 1998 - 07:13:30 EDT

On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 22:24:53 -0400 "David L. Moore"
<> writes:


> Since one of Paul's major concerns in this section is for an
>worship service, we should understand KATA DUO H TO PLEISTON TREIS not
>of groups of two or three speaking at once but as two or three (at
>messages in tongues in any single meeting. Note hOTAN SUNERCHSQE in
>v. 26
>with the following enumeration of possible contributions to the

This touches on another issue we discussed in this verse. Whether it
refers to LOGOUS or to people, why make it "two or three [in a service]"?
 He suggested "two or three," followed by interpretation, then "two or
three" more and more interpretation, etc.

Trevor Peterson, M.Div.
Capital Bible Seminary
Lanham, MD

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