Re: 1 Cor 14:27--number agreement

From: David L. Moore (
Date: Wed Jun 24 1998 - 09:08:57 EDT

At 05:48 AM 6/24/98 -0400, you wrote:
>At 10:24 PM -0400 6/23/98, David L. Moore wrote:
>> Since one of Paul's major concerns in this section is for an orderly
>>worship service, we should understand KATA DUO H TO PLEISTON TREIS not as
>>of groups of two or three speaking at once but as two or three (at most)
>>messages in tongues in any single meeting. Note hOTAN SUNERCHSQE in v. 26
>>with the following enumeration of possible contributions to the worship.
>>The specifics on tongues in v. 27 come as a further explanation of what may
>>take place in the meeting with special reference to this gift and should be
>>understood with the context of v. 26. The KAI ANA MEROS which follows
>>KATA...TREIS also instructs along these lines calling for an orderly
>>presentation of any messages. The hEIS of KAI hEIS DIERMHNEUETO is most
>>probably the indefinite "someone" rather than instructions that there be
>>only one interpreter.
>I don't really agree with the above interpretation, but I think it is a
>plausible reading of the Greek with one exception: I don't believe that
>hEIS could function as TIS does for an "indefinite 'someone'."

        Well, BAGD, sv. hEIS has a section 3 that is headed "someone = class. TIS,
whereby hEIS can mean exactly the same thing as the indef. art." And
Blass-DeBrunner notes this usage in #247 (2) where it implies that the
Hebrew _echad_ or the Aramaic _chad_ are the model for this usage in the NT.

David Moore

David L. Moore
Miami, Florida, USA
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