To Interpret or Not To Interpret, That is The question -vastaus

From: Timo Flink (
Date: Thu Jul 02 1998 - 01:38:24 EDT

>>> Larry Swain <> 01.07.98 18.45 >>>
>>Since this seems to be a theology-oriented, simple yes/no will do.
>>Timo Flink
>With a respectful nod in the Bard's direction, I would like to take a
>moment and address a misunderstanding here. Most of us on this list
>it is the <i>interpretation<i> of the passage that becomes the focus of
>discussion, opening all manner of wounds. Discussions (and
>arguments) about what a passage MEANS should be held offlist among
That's preciously why I added that line. I DON'T what any theological
debate. Just wanted to know is it in anyway grammaticly valid translation
my friend suggested.


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