Re: To Interpret or Not To Interpret, That is The question

From: David L. Moore (
Date: Fri Jul 03 1998 - 11:00:58 EDT

At 09:46 AM 7/3/98 -0400, Jonathan Robie wrote:

>Theology, however, is not a tool we use to interpret passages here. Syntax,
>context, discourse analysis - these are very much in-bounds. Obviously,
>what we read in scripture may have ramifications for our theology, but our
>theology should not determine what we read in scripture.

        I, for one, find this a welcome statement. And I certainly agree that
sound exegesis should provide the data for theology and not _vice versa_.
I also understand Jonathan to be saying that any theological conclusions,
although possibly implicit from what is discussed, are not the stuff of
B-Greek; and discussions or threads in which theology is the primary focus
are off-topic for the list.

        That said, allow me to also second the concerns expressed by Ward Powers
that we not limit discussion to exclude the meaning and interpretation of
the biblical text. The most recent definition of the list purpose reads,
"The fundamental focus of list discussion, however, is understanding the
Greek text of the Bible. Anyone interested in the Greek New Testament is
invited to subscribe, but the list will assume at least a working knowledge
of Biblical Greek." As I recall, earlier editions of this purpose
statement read, "Anyone interested in New Testament studies...." This
slight change of focus was done, I assume, on the prerogative of the
current list owner and b-greek staff. I hope, however, that, in this new
focus, we don't get so caught up in examining and defining the key of
knowledge which is the Greek language as to forget to open the door of
understanding which is the meaning of the New Testament.

Regards to all,
David Moore

David L. Moore
Miami, Florida, USA
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