Re: Jude 3: PISTEI

From: Larry Swain (
Date: Sat Jul 11 1998 - 13:44:09 EDT

I have done some work in Irenaeus, particularly his use of tradition. He
is the first Christian writer we know of to articulate in clear terms what
the "orthodox tradition" is and how that is passed down to the church of
his day, app. a century after Jude. I bring this up because I haveoftened
wondered if 2 Peter and Jude are not the beginnings in church history of
attempting to articulate what for Irenaeus becomes fully stated.
PISITIS then would be more than DOXA, more than mores, more than trust, it
would be an atempt to use this common word to encompass the whole of the
Christian experience-I think that Jude is on the way to that idea here,
although the language doesn't quite support that-at least as we have it.
If we knew more about Jude's background, Sitz im Leben, and more examples
of his use of PISTIS we would be on firmer ground (or I would). But as it
is.................a mere educated guess is the best one can offer.

Larry Swain

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