Re: b-greek digest: July 10, 1998

Date: Sat Jul 11 1998 - 18:22:48 EDT

Pistis-in Jude 3 seems to be a reference to the commonly accepted
Christian Confession of Faith in the first Century. In my mind the
question is, which letter or document summarizes this faith. Because of
this question, the Didache has been of high interest to me as an ancient
bit of history that helps us see a summary from the early church fathers.

Syntactically, there seems to be a correlation to Paul's use of faith in
Romans 5:1 where he leads to the concept of Romans 6:1 question where he
explores the potentially of licentiousness as a response to the free
grace of God. It seems to me the same Faith cannot be only a confession,
but also a heart revelation rooted in a Core Belief which is "the Faith".
 I think it is the same faith James speaks of as a body waiting for life
to enter it....that is good deeds, as proof it is alive.

I think the faith properly understood naturally raises the issue of
licentiousness as Paul brings it into focus. So, I see Jude 3 and Romans
addressing the same issue from slightly different vantage points.

David A. Bielby I (Pastor) Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Mail me at: Call me at:309-827-8292

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