Re: Reitzenstein Poimandres 1904

Date: Sun Jul 12 1998 - 15:41:48 EDT

Having taken a look at what we have at Harvard on Poimandres, I discover
that in addition to the edition done by (co-edited by) Arthur Darby Nock
(before my time, alas!), mentioned by Daniel Rian~o, there is a concordance
to Tractate One done by my one-time colleagues Dieter Georgi and John
Strugnell, in 1971. It was published, in somewhat meagre form, by the
Boston Theological Institute; whether copies still exist outside libraries,
I don't know. Dieter (retired from Frankfurt University in Germany) is
teaching this year at Union Seminary NY, I think, and might know where
copies are to be found. John is still living in the Cambridge area, but
doesn't communicate very much, so probably wouldn't be a resource.

The stories about Nock still circulate around Harvard. My favorite:
He liked to work in his home study stark naked. A visitor (some versions
say it was a woman) knocked at his door, and he called, "Come in."
He/she entered, and seeing him naked, cried out, "My God!" Nock rose to
his feet, bowed, and said, "No; only his humble servant, Arthur Darby Nock."

I have delivered unto you what I also received: the _traditio_.

Edward Hobbs

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