Re: Reitzenstein Poimandres 1904

From: Daniel Ria–o (
Date: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 04:45:51 EDT

Edward Hobbs wrote:
>Ten days ago, I responded to Steven Cox's question, pointing out that
>Reitzenstein's _Poimandres_ is NOT an edition of the "Poimandres", but
>a collection of his studies, which includes printing some selections
>from the text.
>Daniel Rian~o, who often supplies useful bibliographical information,
>has just posted the statement that "The text was edited by Reitzenstein
>in 1904" ; but I fear he has not actually looked at the volume. It is
>as I said: a collection of his essays, with some selections printed which
>are related to his studies of them. It is not regarded as an edition of
>"Poimandres." Unless he has a copy different from ours here at Harvard.
>(We have three copies, so to speak--the original book, a photocopy, and a
>microfilm of it.)

        I did read the previous posting of E. Hobbs re: Poimandres, but I
didn't quote it simply because it was wrong, as he is now.
        The edition whose existence E. Hobbs so obstinately tries to deny,
is printed in a handsome, clear Greek type (much clearer than the type used
in some of the last Teubner's editions) in pp. 328-360 (plus the Zusaetze
u. Berichtungen, pp. 361 ss.) of the edition of Reitzenstein, Richard.
"Poimandres," Leipzig 1904 (unveraenderter reprografischer Nachdruck 1966)
that I have in front of my eyes right now, and it should be in the same
pages of any copy in sane condition of this book. The book does contain
another studies in "Griechisch-Aegyptischen u. fruehchristlichen
literatur", but what is printed in pages 328-360 is certainly a critical
edition of what we know as the first chapter of the Corpus Hermeticum
(i.e., the "Poimandres") and chapters XIII, XVI and XVIII, not included in
Parthey's edition (Berlin 1854). You can see the history of the previous
editions in pp. 319-327.
        Well, since E. Hobbs wrote that my statement came from actually
don't knowing the book, I suppose that most probably his error must *not*
come form his actually not reading any similar book, so that, if we may
indulge in such speculations, I advance two hypothesis:
        a. An anti-gnostic sociopath has ripped off pages 328 ff. and the
index page of every volume he/she found of Reitzenstein's _Poimandres_ over
the city, maybe following his malign activities in other campuses al well;
if that is the case, I can send by mail a photocopy of the mentioned pages
to any of the offended universities.
        b. E. Hobbs is not actually speaking of Reitzenstein's
_Poimandres_, but another collection of studies in ancient religion, like
Reitzenstein, R. "Die hellenistischen Mysterienreligionen nach ihren
Grundgedanken und Wirkungen," Leipzig 1910.


Daniel Rian~o Rufilanchas
c. Santa Engracia 52, 7 dcha.
28010-Madrid, Espan~a

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