Re: Taped NT

From: Richard Lindeman (
Date: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 20:35:46 EDT

Carl W. Conrad wrote:
> I don't know whether Gramcord has the same capability, but Accordance for
> the Mac will speak out loud any selected passage using the Mac's speech
> capacity.

Accordance might be of some limited use but probably not much more. The
proper reading of a given pericope is one of the first major steps
towards the translation of it. I would like to be able to listen to an
*intelligent* reading of the Greek text in correct Erasmic fashion.
This can only be accomplished by someone who actually understands what
he/she is reading and from that understanding speaks the words with
feeling and emphasis.

I suspect that readings given by a variety of our B-Greek scholars would
be a real treasure... instructive for the listeners and revealing not
only the Biblical text but also unveiling some of the understandings(and
biases) of the readers.

It sounds like we have a fair amount of interest in a project like this.
I think that the first challenge would be to get a consistent Erasmic
rendering done by each reader. The quality of course would vary from
reader to reader... which is OK. Here are some possible guidelines to
start with:

1. We would need to start with a good Erasmic sample posted on Sunsite
that all potential readers could listen to and attempt to emulate.

2. Volunteer readers would need to come from those who at a minimum
actually understand the segment of Greek that they are reading (and
would be capable of sight translating it into their own native
language). This would be necessary to begin with for a proper
flowing reading of the Greek.

3. Some of our more advanced members of B-Greek might be able to read
larger segments of the NT. Some of our less advanced members could
find it challenging to attempt smaller segments.

4. A good speaking voice would be valuable. But a good understanding of
what one is reading would be even more valuable.

Just some thoughts,

Rich Lindeman

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