Re: Taped NT

From: Joseph A. Weaks (
Date: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 23:31:26 EDT

>It sounds like we have a fair amount of interest in a project like this.
>I think that the first challenge would be to get a consistent Erasmic
>rendering done by each reader.

I am VERY interested in signing up and reaping the benefits from this
potential project. (I have done my own recordings for the car before.)
However, consistent rendering is impossible with different readers. Big
decisions would be items such as:
1. Is omicron pronounced like "boat" or "mop"? I was taught one way in
classics, then another in seminary.
2. Do we utilize pitch with accents (rising, falling, and rising-falling)?
I always have.
3. Just what do we do with punctuation?
4. Many others...

And moreso, many syntactical and stylistic variations are virtually
unchangeable. Such as:
1. Geographical accents. I'm a Texan! "EIRENE S'all"
2. Some are good at reading proclitics and enclitics as part of their
neighbor word when appropriate.
3. Tempo.
4. Things so subtle such as how much you emphasize superfluous DE's
5. Many others...

Be this as it may, the project should occur. Perhaps we might embrace the
diversity that does arise (within reason). I do think we should stick to
Erasmic readings. I have fond memories of being laughed at by my new Greek
friends as I read to them while visiting in Athens.

If I could have 9 months, I might volunteer for Revelations. (The "s" is a
joke.) If not, I call Philippians. :)

Joseph A. Weaks
Minister of the Word
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Spearman, TX
"Let unity be our polar star." -GMP KT

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