Re: Granville-Sharp in Matt 5:20 and Lk 1:2

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Mon Jul 27 1998 - 09:08:04 EDT

Carl Conrad wrote;

(long omision)
>To sum up this tentative proposition briefly: I'm supposing that the phrase
>GRAMMATEWN KAI FARISAIWN in Mt 5:20 indicates two groups constituting a
>"hyper-legalist" category in a manner similar to that in which the phrase
>AUTOPTAI KAI hUPHRETAI TOU LOGOU in Lk 1:2 indicates two groups
>constituting a single "transmitter of the gospel" category.
>I'm not really sure that all this is really necessary to explain the single
>article TWN in Mt 5:20 governing the two genitive plurals linked by KAI,
>but it's another consideration, at least.

This was the point of my previous post on this. Two nouns joined by KAI
with the article used only with the first may indicate either one identity
or an essential unity. The essence of the unity here is that both scribes
and Pharisees are deficient in the righteousness of the Kingdom.

I did not intend in my original post to say that this was Sharpe's Rule but
the way I learned to deal with this structure in Greek.

Carlton L. Winbery
Fogleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Pineville, LA 71359

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