Re: Granville-Sharp in Matt 5:20??

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Thu Jul 23 1998 - 04:27:52 EDT

Jim West replied to Timo Flink;

>>I would like to know your opinion whether or not the phrase TWN
>>GRAMMATEWN KAI FARISAIWN in Matt 5:20 is an example of
>>Granville-Sharp rule i.e. speaks of the same person ...
>>Thus is the next translation adequate or not:
>>"For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the
>>Scribes i.e. Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."
>>Timo Flink

The way that I learned this rule may be worded this way (and I do not have
the book with me), "Two nouns joined by KAI with the article repeated are
"coordinated." Whereas, two nouns joined by KAI are thought to form a
unity, either identical or closely related." I would say that TWN
GRAMMATEWN KAI FARISAIWN are conceived as "closely related" but not
necessarily identical. Cf. EN THi MAKEDONIAi KAI ACAIAi in I Thess. 1:8.
(The addition of EN THi by some scribes is surely secondary.) Paul
conceives of a close relationship in experience between the believers in
both places, whereas, above in vs 7 he is thinking of two geographical
areas, thus the article is repeated.

I would say that
>I think so. I take it as a dscription of two groups- i.e., the scribes
>(lawyers) and the pharisees. Yet the genitive indicates "the scribes OF the
>pharisees"- i.e., the lawyers who happened to be adherents of the Pharisaic

The scribes "of" the Pharisees is not possible here because of the presence
of KAI.

>So, in my humble estimation, if you have a text using the genitive you may
>indeed have one thing whereas the absence of the genitive may indicate
>something else.

I would say that two genitive nouns joined by KAI may indicate two
different intities when both articles are present or either one identity or
two things with an essential unity. I think that in this case I would opt
for essential unity in not "obeying" God.

Carlton L. Winbery
Fogleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Pineville, LA 71359

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