Choice of classical grammar

From: Darrell Jachim-Moore (
Date: Fri Jul 31 1998 - 16:52:05 EDT


Test. Thanx.


>I sent this message earlier, but did not attach my name or e-mail adress.
>If this is repetitious, I apologize.
>I am coming from a Koine background, and have 2 questions. How have those
>of you who have also studied Koine exclusively benefitted from studying
>classical Greek ? What difficulties/hurdles should I be aware of if I
>embark on this? Why should a student of the NT study classical Greek in the
>first place?
>Secondly, I hear a lot about the two following grammars (titles/author
>spellings are approximate). One is Greek - An Intensive Course by Hanson
>and Quinn. The other is a two-volume work by G. Zuntz, edited by Stanley
>Porter, published by Sheffield. If you've used either or both, what did
>you like about them or dislike? I'd appreciate your input.
>My name is Ed Gorham, and I'm a new subsriber. My e-mail address is
> Thanks!
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