Re: TH FWNH in Acts 14:10a

Date: Wed Sep 09 1998 - 11:46:44 EDT

Byron P. Knutson wrote:

> At 2:05 PM -0500 9/8/98, clayton stirling bartholomew wrote:
> >In Acts 14:10a NA27 reads EIPEN MEGALH FWNH, some manuscripts insert TH
> >before
> >FWNH. If I understand this correctly, the insertion of TH would change
> >from an attributive to a predicate adjective.

> >Alford makes the cryptic comment that TH was omitted by scribes who didn't
> >understand it's significance. I must admit that I am with the scribes here
> >because for me the insertion of TH introduces nothing but problems. Could
> >someone explain the syntax of this verse given TH FWNH as the accepted
> >reading?

> It's not that the article is required (he said loudly); but it seems to me
> that THi FWNHi MEGALHi is the more forceful.
> Carl W. Conrad"

> At any rate "HE SAID GREAT THE VOICE ..." puts the
> stress on great or loud ...

MEGALH TH FWMH would appear to distribute the TH to both MEGALH and
FWNH equally, giving the force of their being a single term, and
stressing it [them] perhaps ostensively, giving 'great-voice' an
almost independent existence. My sense of this is that this is not
just 'a' loud voice, but is 'THE' loud voice, perhaps recognizable to
those who have heard Paul, though perhaps not.

I try to work outward from centers in Greek syntax, and this phrase
falls between '[he] says [said]' and 'what he said', which to my
thinking gives this loudness of voice even more importance for the


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