
From: Edgar Krentz (ekrentz@lstc.edu)
Date: Wed Dec 02 1998 - 03:21:02 EST

>Without rechecking the comments of all the people you mention as having
>consulted, I am not able to answer your question. All I can say is that
>when researching this subject myself I had read quite a few others before I
>got to Lenski, and I found his approach refreshing and (after examining the
>Greek, upon which his explanation hinges) quite convincing. Hence my
>suggestion that you may find it worthwhile tracking him down. Or my book
>("Marriage and Divorce", Family Life Movement of Australia, 1987) in which
>I adopt his position, with acknowledgement (pages 169-170). By the way,
>Lenski, a Lutheran, has written a series of commentaries covering the
>entire NT, and I have gained great profit from reading them, and have cited
>him in other writings of mine also.

Ward, I once owned the Lenski complete--and sold it, back in about 19950 to
Martin Marty, a classmate.

My main problem with him was his prolixity. And, he mined much of his
material from the great commentary edited by Theodor Zahn. And that I just
recently gave to a young German colleague at a German University.

By the way, Zahn writes the kind of German that challenges even modern
German students; if you can read him with some ease, you really know
German. His long sentences illustrate well Mark Twain's description of the
German language.

Edgar Krentz
Acting Dean, Fall Quarter 1998
Professor of New Testament Emeritus
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 E. 55th Street
Chicago, IL 60615 USA
e-mail: ekrentz@lstc.edu (Office)
        emkrentz@mcs.com (Home)

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