
From: Gary S. Shogren (gshogren@sol.racsa.co.cr)
Date: Thu Dec 03 1998 - 19:41:04 EST

Ed Krentz writes that his "main problem with (Lenski) was his prolixity."
This is true, and he thereby gives the impression of depth. I'm always on
my guard when a preacher or commentator is recommended to me because "he
finds things in the text that no-one else finds."

I don't want to engage in _ad hominem_, but to me Lenski provides a
cautionary examples of the danger of over-reading a text. I've told my
students that, along with some fine insights, Lenski consistently
over-reads, or takes an outdated, mechanistic view of how language works.
So much sifting needs to be done that I'd prefer my students looking to
other resources than Lenski.

IMHO, Gary Shogren, San Jose, Costa Rica

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