Re: 2 Peter 1:20

From: Edgar Krentz (
Date: Fri Dec 11 1998 - 04:24:49 EST

(Phillip J. Long wrote:

>What translation uses "every" for this verse? I checked several (NIV,
>KJV, RSV, ASV, New Century, New Living Trans. NASB) and none had
>"every prophecy," all had "no prophecy."
>I don't think that you could translate it as a positive statement
>because PASA is negated, Ck out BAG, I am on page 631 inthe 2nd ed.,
>I-A-a, OU + PAS = nothing, rather than not everything.
A literalistic translation: "Every passage is not of individual loosing."

That equals "no passage is to be interpreted individualistically." Why not?
the context suggests because every passage is the result of joint
authorship, that of a holy man and the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 3:15-16
suggests the possibility that the problem is the mis-use of Paul's letters
[which makes this kpassage the first to regard Paul as Scripture].
>There are other cognates of EPILUSEWS, they all tend to fall around
>the same meaning of release. EPILUW, for example, appears in Plato's
>Crito 43c, with the meaning of "prevent" (release them from smthg.)

>that claims to have come by their revelation through personal
>reflection, and the "prophets of old" who were moved by the Spirit to

Thus the key to the passage is the use of the term IDIOS, meaning
individual as opposed to KOINOS, communal.

I hope that Carl and Edward will not regard this response as too
theological; I do base it on other data in the text.

Edgar Krentz
Acting Dean, Fall Quarter 1998
Professor of New Testament Emeritus
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 E. 55th Street
Chicago, IL 60615 USA
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