RE: 2 Peter 1:20

From: Ward Powers (
Date: Fri Dec 11 1998 - 07:52:31 EST

At 21:37 98/12/10 -0600, wross wrote:


>In fact, here Paul is again contrasting human faculties for interpreting
>human wisdom with spiritual faculties for interpreting spiritual wisdom,
>just as Peter continues the thought:
>1:21 ou gar yelhmati anyrwpou hnecyh pote profhteia all upo pneumatov agiou
>feromenoi elalhsan oi agioi yeou anyrwpoi
>"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of
>God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (2 Peter 1:21 KJV).
>1:20 touto prwton ginwskontev oti pasa profhteia grafhv idiav epilusewv ou

I for one would be really very grateful if those who post to b-greek would
please kindly follow the transliteration conventions with which we are all
provided when we join up. I look at all posts to the list, and I can read
the transliterations quite well. But I cannot cope with the above at all.
"feromenoi elalhsan" I can handle, but what is "anyrwpou hnecyh" or "all
upo pneumatov"? Perhaps the first two are ALL' hUPO? But what exactly is

Fair go! We have been given guidelines, so that we can speak to each other
and be understood. Let's follow them. Please.

Rev Dr B. Ward Powers Phone (International): 61-2-9799-7501
10 Grosvenor Crescent Phone (Australia): (02) 9799-7501
SUMMER HILL NSW 2130 email:

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