Re: reason for b-greek

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Wed Dec 09 1998 - 14:20:09 EST

At 03:29 PM 12/9/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear B-Greekers:
>I have to explain to new students of biblical Greek the importance of
>studying the language. Could you please give me some reasons why we
>should study biblical greek and why biblical greek is relevant for today
>Many people in my midst think that it is a waste of time. I have to come
>up with very convincing answers to help them understand the importance of
>studying biblical Greek.

Consulting a person without knowledge of the Biblical languages about some
verse in the Bible is like consulting a doctor who had never learned
anatomy. Those who foolishly believe they can understand the meaning of a
Biblical text without recourse to the original are simply kidding
themselves. They can certainly, to be sure, understand something; but they
just as certainly cannot understand half of what the text is saying and
meaning, if that much, without being able to read the underlying original text.


Jim West, ThD
Quartz Hill School of Theology

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