Reason for B-Greek

From: david reigle (
Date: Thu Dec 10 1998 - 11:31:51 EST

Although I have been studying Greek for many years, I do not think my own
expertise will ever help me to discover a both useful and original insight
into the meaning of the scriptures.( by original, I mean something that no
scholar has thought of before.)

My chief aim in studying the Greek NT (alright, yes it's fun too!) is to
try and overcome some of my preconceived notions of what the English text
says. Having been brought up with the English Bible, along with a deep set
of convictions as to how each verse is to be interpreted, it is difficult
for me to read the English Bible and understand what the text alone is
But if I look at a sentence in Greek; analyze the syntax and try to
translate it into an English sentence, I can shed much of the baggage
(alas, probably not all) I bring with me into the study of the NT.
 Studying the Greek NT provides me a way to get a fresh look at what the
text is actually saying.

Thanks for listening to my two cents worth.
David Reigle

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