Re: Luke 1:2

From: James P. Ware (
Date: Wed Dec 23 1998 - 22:07:06 EST

I think with Christmas coming, a question on Luke 1-2 might be

In Luke 1:2, most interpreters recognize the presence of but one article
governing two nouns connected by KAI as indicating that "the eyewitnesses
and servants of the word" refers not to two distinct groups, but to one
group described under a twofold aspect. (If any one would question this,
that would be additional fodder for discussion, besides the question I
pose below). Most thus seem to understand the two aspects as 1)
eyewitnesses, and 2) servants of the word, construing TOU LOGOU with
"servants" but not with "eyewitnesses." Indeed, if TOU LOGOU be construed
with both nouns, this would seem to require a more pregnant sense for
LOGOS here, one with affinities to the use of LOGOS in John's prologue
as a designation for the eternal and incarnate Word, Jesus Christ (1:1,
1:14). In looking into this question, I have been somewhat surprised to
discover that, in every instance which I have examined of a genitive
preceding or following two or more nouns connected by KAI, whether these
nouns are anarthrous or connected by one article, the genitive seems to
construe with BOTH nouns (e.g. Phil 4:20; Jude 4; Phil 1:7; 1:11; 4:1; 1
Thess 2:12; Col 2:2; 1 Pet 2:25; Rom 1:26; Lk 14:21). So I will state a
tentative hypothesis as a basis for discussion: when a genitive precedes
or follows a group or two or more nouns, whether connnected by KAI or
anrthrous, the genitive modifies BOTH nouns; therefore TOU LOGOU in Luke
1:2 modifies both nouns--they are both servants of the word and
eyewitnesses of the word (Word?). Can anyone share evidence for or
against this hypothesis?

Merry Christmas!

Jim Ware

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