Re: imperative form of APOKALUPTW

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (
Date: Thu Jan 28 1999 - 19:18:50 EST

Ben Crick wrote:
> On Thu 28 Jan 99 (12:55:37), wrote:
> > Don't know why I can't figure this out myself, buy is the 3rd sing
> > aorist active imperative of APOKALUPTW APOKALUPTETW or APEKALUPTETW?
> Geoffrey:
> AP'EKALUPTETW, because the APO is "separable" to admit the augment, and
> the O elides (is omitted) before the E.
> > And does any one know what the Greek word or words stand as the
> > equivalent of the Hebrew or Aramaic for "reveal" as in "may your
> > Kingdom be revealed"?
> It would be the Jussive (Imperfect) 3 f.s. Niph`al of GaLaH, to reveal.
> In your example, TiGGaLeH MaLKuWTeKa, let your kingly dignity be revealed.
> Or YiGGaLeH MaM:LaK:TeKa, let your royal territory be revealed.
> "Kingdom" is ambiguous in English.

Thanks for your reply. But it looks like I haven't made myself clear.
What I want to know is *not* how a 1st century Hebrew or Aramaic speaker
would express "May your kingdom be revealed" or "reveal your Kingdom.
Rather, it is this: if someone in the 1st cent wanted to take the Hebrew
or Aramaic expression for "May your kingdom be revealed" or "reveal your
Kingdom" and render it *into* Greek, what would the GREEK expression be?
And more importantly, what Greek word verb most likely be used as
equivalent of the Hebrew or Aramaic verb for "reveal"? Another way of
putting this, I suppose, is what terms are used in the LXX for the
Hebrew verb for "reveal" or "make manifest"?



Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626

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