Re: John 1:1-2

From: George Blaisdell (
Date: Wed Mar 24 1999 - 11:10:46 EST

>From: Jack Kilmon
>Excellent treatment, which fits quite well with the Yohannine prologue
>as an early Christian antiphonal hymn that was incorporated into the

Thanks, Jack ~

I was very worried that I might botch that post to Roger ~

The history of controversy surrounding this [and a few others] passage
on b-greek has about spoiled it here as a passage that we can talk

And I certainly do not wish to re-ignite those heated exchanges.

Nor do I wish to come up way short regarding the profound fecundity of
meaning of this passage by making it facilely glossed.

Now, my friend, I am ignorant of the term 'antiphonal' [hymn]... Could
you help me out??


George Blaisdell
Roslyn, WA

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