Re: John 1:1-2

From: Jack Kilmon (
Date: Wed Mar 24 1999 - 11:30:01 EST

George Blaisdell wrote:
> >From: Jack Kilmon
> >
> >Excellent treatment, which fits quite well with the Yohannine prologue
> >as an early Christian antiphonal hymn that was incorporated into the
> >Gospel.
> Thanks, Jack ~
> I was very worried that I might botch that post to Roger ~
> The history of controversy surrounding this [and a few others] passage
> on b-greek has about spoiled it here as a passage that we can talk
> about.
> And I certainly do not wish to re-ignite those heated exchanges.
> Nor do I wish to come up way short regarding the profound fecundity of
> meaning of this passage by making it facilely glossed.
> Now, my friend, I am ignorant of the term 'antiphonal' [hymn]... Could
> you help me out??

As you know, 4G is a work that was developed in Asia Minor for over 300
years. The latest additions, glosses and interpolations seem to have
taken place around the time of Codex D. An earlier form of the Gospel
probably began with what is now 1:19. An antiphonal hymn is where the
lector and the congregation would alternate stanzas, sort of like when
a minister says "The Lord be with you" and the congregation answers,
"and with your spirit." The prologue to 4G was just such an antiphony
in the early Church. The lector/presbyter would sing "In the beginning
was the word." The congregation/assembly would respond ""And the Word
was with God." The leader would answer "And the word WAS God." And so
on and so forth. Your treatment of the beautiful chiastic pattern of
this "song" sung between leader and congregation brought the hymn
to life.



taybutheh d'maran yeshua masheecha am kulkon

Jack Kilmon

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