
Date: Tue May 18 1999 - 09:50:13 EDT

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To: Biblical Greek <>
From: "Carlton L. Winbery" <>
Subject: Re: Grammatical errors in Revelation?

>At 10:49 PM 5/17/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>I thought the worst Greek in the New Testament was Peter.
Jim West wrote;
>You were misinformed. Peter is, in fact, some of the very best Greek in the
>NT. Again, I urge listers to take a look at Nigel Turner's Grammar, vol 4,
>where he discusses all these things quite thoroughly.
Check Turner pp. 140-142 where he describes the character of 2 Peter with
words like "cumbersome," "vague and ambiguous," "tiresome iteration,"
"enigmatic," "superfluous," and remarks that the author has "a rather poor
command of vocabulary." In reference to vocabulary, Turner remarked, "2
Peter inclines toward the grandiose." He also remarked that the auther is
lazy in his search for synonyms. He also pointed out three anacolutha.

I'm sure Jim is talking of 1 Peter while Cindy is talking of 2 Peter.

Carlton L. Winbery
Fogleman Prof. of Religion
Louisiana College Box 612
Pineville, LA 71359
Phones 318 487 7241, Home 318 448 6103

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