RE: Sorting alphabetically?

From: Jefferson, Robert C. (
Date: Fri Jul 23 1999 - 13:41:38 EDT

Sorting by greek/hebrew in Excel might be possible using a custom sort.
To learn if this suits you go to help.
then to contents.
Type in "sort orders, custom"
clink the display button and begin to read.
I think it can be done.
sorry I do not have more time at the moment to help out!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 1999 8:44 AM
> To: Biblical Greek
> Subject: Re: Sorting alphabetically?
> Wieland,
> The way I sort greek and hebrew is:
> 1. I create a transliteration based on alphabetic order not sound
> a=alpha=aleph
> b=beta=beth
> c=gamma=gimmel
> 2. create a second column
> 3. spell the word using the transliteration table in the new column
> 4. do your sorts on the new column
> Hope this helps
> Lord Blessings,
> Bob Bower
> Seminarian
> Concordia Theological Seminary
> Fort Wayne, IN
> For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;
> and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.
> (2 Cor 4:5) KJV
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