Re: Revising Funk's (Notorious) B.I.G. (was re: Funk's 3-volume set)

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Fri Aug 13 1999 - 16:34:29 EDT

>Most NT-specific introductory grammars I've looked at are just variations on
>Machen. Won't it be great to have a real, updated, radical alternative?
>I've often thought that, if I ever *did* finish my Ph.D. and take a position
>teaching Greek (somedays a future in garbage collection looks more
>promising) I'd likely use the *Athenaze* or something classically oriented.
>Ah, well.
>Perry L. Stepp

Perry, it all depends on what you mean by radical. If one looks at the way
in which classical Greek is taught in the NYU summer session, where they
two years in 12 weeks, yes.

But if radical means deserting the traditional terminology for a complete
new set, I'm less sure. After all, to cite a new idea, "The proof of the
pudding lies in the eating." I agree with Edward that Goetschius grammar
was good--and like him I did not teach the structural language. Not
everything new and radical is an improvement--and not everything old is
bad--including the grammars written in antiquity!

Peace, Ed Krentz

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Edgar Krentz
Professor Emeritus of New Testament
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 East 55th Street
Chicago, IL 60615
Telephone: (773) 256-0752; Dean's Office: 773-256-0722
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 "I grow older, learning all the time."
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