Re: Jerusalem, neuter plural

From: Jim West (
Date: Sat Sep 04 1999 - 16:06:09 EDT

At 09:26 PM 9/3/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Somebody wrote,

that somebody was me. but thanks for noticing.

>> In Hebrew- the name of the city is Yerushalayim...
>> > dual and not plural- which would be Yerushalim. The origin of this usage
>> is
>> > quite simply the fact that Jerusalem sits on a couple of hills (thus the
>> > dual notion).
>I thought it was a late and artificial change in pronunciation from
>Yerushalem brought
>about to remind Jews that there are two Jerusalems - that below (under
>domination by foreigners, then destroyed by the Romans), and that which
>is above (the Zion which is subject of so much eschatological prophecy).

Nope. Nope. Nope.

>Doesn't the fact that it's spelled without the YOD 99+% of the time
>(plus the LXX spelling plus the Aramaic spelling) show that in fact this
>pronunciation is late and contrived?

Nope. Nope. Nope.

(no sig necessary since it wont be recalled anyway).

Jim West, ThD
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