RE: a good greek bible

Date: Mon Oct 18 1999 - 21:12:17 EDT

        A small note concerning some differences between the NA27 and the
UBS4 corr. from a "little greek" (based upon my limited knowledge of the

    1. Although the NA27 has more variant readings listed in its critical
apparatus, the UBS4 is more exhaustive in its listing of witnesses for the
variant readings it does include.

    2. I do know the UBS4 has a critical apparatus for punctuation (I'm not
sure about the NA27) which is very handy at some points.

    3. The UBS4 also comes with a concise Greek-English lexicon by Barclay M.
    Newman,Jr. in the back. It is a nice reminder lexicon for when "little
greeks" forget their vocabulary (though it is by NO MEANS a standard, or
essential in detailed lexicographic work!).

    In the end, the NA27 is considered the "scholar's bible" and is referred
to most in scholarly publications, while the UBS4 is the "translator's bible".
    While on the topic of good greek bibles, could someone please help me to
find a copy of Kurt Aland's Synopsis Quattuor Evangelorium in the latest
edition (15 or 18?). I found it through the American Bible Society, but it
seems like their has to be a way to get it for less. Thanks in advance.

xaris kai eirhnh
Esteban Otero

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