Re: gennawing males

From: Jim West (
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 21:41:57 EST

At 09:14 PM 12/1/99 -0500, you wrote:

>Perhaps we should explore: "You are my son, today I have procreated
>you" or "... today I have brought you forth" or "... today I have
>engendered you."

"procreated" is a tad cumbersome, it seems to me. Likewise "brought you
forth" is ambiguous. "Engendered" suffers from the flaw of being unclear as

I realize "fathered" is problematic for us. But for both the Israelites of
the Psalm and the Christians of Clement's day, it would have held no
problems at all. Lets be careful not to retroject our own prejudices and
political notions on ancient folk who cant possibly arise from the dead to
defend their choice of language at every turn.




Jim West, ThD

"This is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put." Winston Churchill

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