Re: Greek

From: Bill W. Rodgers (
Date: Sat Dec 11 1999 - 02:51:30 EST

N & RJ Hanscamp wrote:
> I have recently come across the title hOSIOI in a passage on the Delphic
> oracle. Can someone explain to me what these were? Were they temple
> novices or the like?
> Nigel.
> Nigel Hanscamp
> Trinity Methodist Theological College
> Auckland Consortium of Theological Education, New Zealand
> Email:
> ---
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Nigel: Plutarch, in his Aetia Romana et Graeca, says they were five in
number and appointed for life. They were designated hOSIOI in a
ceremony after an animal called the hOSIWTHR was sacrificed. They
helped "the prophets" at Delphi in many things and they concelebrated
some of the sacred rites with them. They appear to have been a special
caste of priests. Plutarch also remarks that they were thought to have
descended from the ancient (and mythic) Deucalions.

I hope this is helpful.

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