RE: Ign. Eph. 15:3

From: Bart Ehrman (
Date: Tue Jan 04 2000 - 08:40:57 EST


   Well, a reader response critic would be having a field day with how I'm
handling my e-mail this morning -- seeing words that I expect to see
instead of the ones staring me in the face..... I don't know of anyone
taking EX hWN as "therefore," but people often *do* take it as
"because" ("out of such things" = because?).

-- Bart

Bart Ehrman
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, James Ernest wrote:

> Don't koine texts commonly use phrase with hWN (? ex hwn, di hwn) as
> rough equivalents for "therefore" without any concern for the historical
> identify of hWN as a relative pronoun that should have an antecedent? I
> don't have time to look this up properly, so don't skewer me too badly
> if I'm just being dumb here.... I would try checking BDF and maybe some
> searches in electronic texts.
> James Ernest
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carl W. Conrad []
> Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 12:15 PM
> To: Biblical Greek
> Cc: Biblical Greek
> Subject: Re: Ign. Eph. 15:3
> At 11:22 AM -0500 1/3/00, Bart Ehrman wrote:
> > At the end of Ign. Eph. 15:3 we ready FANHSETAI PRO PROSWPOU hMWN,
> EX
> >hWN DIKAIWS AGAPWMEN AUTON. "He/It will be made manifest before our
> face
> >(i.e., he will be revealed to us OR it will be made clear to us)..."
> But
> >then what do you make of the plural relative hWN following the
> >preposition EX?
> I love these puzzles you keep throwing at us. One thought that comes to
> my
> mind immediately is that EX hWN is one of those prepositional phrases
> introducing a clause wherein antecedent is implicitly squeezed into the
> relative, so that we should understand something like EKEINA/TAUTA EX
> hWN
> DIKAIWS AGAPWMEN AUTON, which could conceivably be the subject of
> PRO PROSWPOU hHMWN; hence: "Those factors in consequence of which we
> rightly love him will be manifested before us." i.e. perhaps the subject
> of
> FANHSETAI is NOT Christ but rather the relative clause as a substantive.
> (Well, it seemed worth trying ...)
> Alternatively (I obviously don't have the larger context PRO PROSWPOU
> MOU),
> is there anything in the preceding text that could provide an antecedent
> to
> hWN? It could be neuter plural even if relatively vague.
> Carl W. Conrad
> Department of Classics/Washington University
> One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
> Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649
> WWW:
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