Louw & Nida truncated META article

From: Jay Adkins (JAdkins264@aol.com)
Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 07:51:11 EST

Dear List Members,

Since I raised the question on this forum concerning a software glitch with
GRAMCORD, I thought it appropriate to mention its fix. The GRAMCORD for
Windows Louw & Nida program had a truncated META article. This was not a
problem with the MAC version or even the fault directly of GRAMCORD for
Windows as they had purchased the program from a third party. They have
found a solution for the problem and published a patch on the Web for down
loading that appears to work fine. You need a password for this download
so I will not publish the site address. You can contact Prof. Paul A.
Miller at:

The GRAMCORD Institute (a Washington Non-Profit Corporation)
Prof. Paul A. Miller, Executive Director (scholars@GRAMCORD.org)
2218 NE Brookview Dr., Vancouver, WA 98686, U.S.A.
http://www.GRAMCORD.org (360) 576-3000 [FAX 503-761-0626]
Computer-Assisted Biblical Language Research (Windows & Mac)

While it would be nice if we could purchase software that is 100% out of
the box, it is nice to know that until such a fantasy comes true there are
companies with people like Prof. Miller who are willing to act quickly to
fix problems. I am very pleased with the overall performance of my
GRAMCORD for Windows and still believe it to be a fine product.

Sola Gratia,
Jay Adkins
Always Under Grace!

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