Re: Acrostic What is it?

From: Paul Zellmer (
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 06:57:04 EST

Steve Puluka asked:

> Sorry for being slow on the uptake here, but I actually just looked
this up
> in webster's. What to my surprise, but the Hebrew verse of the Psalms
> definition number two!
> Number one is from the Greek AKROSTICHOS, a construction, usually in
> where a certain letter of each line spells the name, title or motto of
> subject of the verse.
> Is anyone aware of any examples of this construction in Greek, or any
> langauge for that matter?

I know of none off hand in (biblical or classical) Greek, Steve, but the
use of acrostics in this manner is very common among children's programs
around the world. It got a bit tedious, but I recall one Vacation Bible
School program in the Philippines that spelled out an entire sentence in
an acrostic.

Another famous one in American English is the Mother's Day song: "M is
for the ..."




Paul and Dee Zellmer, Jimmy Guingab, Geoffrey Beltran Ibanag Translation Project Cabagan, Isabela, Rep. of Philippines

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