
From: C. E. Core (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 23:53:09 EST

Thanks to those that contributed information concerning a source of N.
T. word parsing. I just picked up Friberg's. I liked that they included
the text and some interesting notes in the back.

Now on to another question. I am going to ask this the best I can and
hope that it is the correct question for what I want to do.

What I want to be able to do is find a way to link the subordinate
clause, in any given passage, to the clause it modifies and more
particularly to the term it modifies. And to know if it acts as an
adjective, an adverb, or something else.
Can the Gk. text do this in a mechanical way or is the context the only
way to do this, or is there other options that I haven't included here?
Any help with this is appreciated.
in Christ -chris core

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