Re: Clauses

From: Garrett B Trott (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 07:15:41 EST

On Mon, 21 Feb 2000 21:40:22 -0800 "clayton stirling bartholomew"
<> writes:
>>From: "C. E. Core" <>
>>To: Biblical Greek <>
>>Subject: Clauses
>>Date: Mon, Feb 21, 2000, 8:53 PM
>> What I want to be able to do is find a way to link the subordinate
>> clause, in any given passage, to the clause it modifies and more
>> particularly to the term it modifies. And to know if it acts as an
>> adjective, an adverb, or something else.
>> Can the Gk. text do this in a mechanical way . . .
>Back in the bad old days when I used to work for a living, I worked
>the same group and occasionally shared an office with various AI
>(artificial intelligence) people. We used to spend a lot of the time
>tossing around questions like this.
>The answer is not particularly straight forward, but for the purposes
>most people on this list the effective answer is NO, there is no
>automated way to do this. But for those who have dabbled deeply in
>language processing this NO answer will not go by unchallenged.
>There are people down in Texas (West Camp Wisdom Road) who could
>this question in some detail if the saw fit to do it.

I agree with Clay that it is difficult/impossible to find subordination
in a mechanical fail-proof way. I know one way that has helped me
tremendously is "simple" diagramming. I say "simple" because the idea
of diagramming is fairly simple and straight forward, but the task is
quite a different story. While there is always a subjective element to
it, it does assist in laying out an argument, showing subordination
and/or coordination, showing what words play what roles, etc...
Hope that helps,
-Garrett Trott

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