Re: Teaching Greek

Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 08:14:22 EST

In a message dated Wed, 1 Mar 2000 4:15:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, Nichael Cramer <> writes:

> Tony Stark wrote:
> > > How much Greek do you need to learn, to adequately teach the language to
> > > others? One year,Two years, Three years or more?
> I would phrase it in these terms: If this were a modern language, you
> wouldn't even _consider_ learning it from a student who had had only three
> years of the language.
> Nichael
> ---
     I have been teaching (modern) Greek for years, with almost no formal study of (modern) Greek- however my ancient (Hellenistic, Homeric, Biblical and Patristic) Greek studies took the course of three years, enough to earn a Ph.D. in the field. So the answer really varies. Mainly depends on how easily you pick up language. Modern Greek is one of 7 languages that I speak. Let's face it, many people have a gift for learning language- look at Biblical scholars who have mastered Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic and others. It also helps (or at least helped me) to have an interest in etymology.


Marianna Steriadis, Ph.D.
Biblical and Patristic Greek
Brown University

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