Re: Junia an Apostle or Junia considered prominent by the Apostles?

From: Eric S. Weiss (
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 13:57:25 EDT

I think Chrysostom is being flowery/poetic. As I reread it, Chrysostom
seems to be saying that if they were just prisoners, Paul maybe would have
referred to them just as "prisoners"; but since Paul uses the word for
"fellow-prisoners," he might mean that they also "fellowed" with him in
like dangers, too. But that's just my guess.

On 04/04/00, ""Harold R. Holmyard III" <>" wrote:
> Dear Eric,
> I am not closely acquainted with John Chrysostom's work, but he seems
> to have gotten the first part of his exposition wrong, the part about
> "fellow prisoners." I have never seen modern commentators take the word to
> mean sharers in bad experiences. They take SUNAICMALWTOUS literally to mean
> "fellow prisoners."
> This fact may be unrelated to his handling of other words in the verse.
> Yours,
> Harold Holmyard

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