Re: Latin in Barnabas

Date: Thu Apr 20 2000 - 18:31:22 EDT

In a message dated 4/20/2000 4:12:41 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> In a message dated 4/20/2000 6:21:56 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> <<
>  Lake is following the old tradition of not offending the sensitivies of
> English readers, a tradition widespread among translators of the 19th
> century (his Loeb translation of course was 1912-13) and seen for example
> in passages (*long* ones) in the ANF (e.g., in Clement of Alexandria's
> STromateis). THe idea was that if a text was highly charged in terms of
> sexual content, it was to be rendered into Latin to prevent offence but to
> allow scholars access to it. (In this case, I believe, Lake didn't
> translate into Latin but used the surviving Latin version; the editors'
> later English translation, I might add, is none too good -- completely
> misses the point about the rabbit!)
 This is the case with the Schaff ed. of Clement's Paedagogus, Book II
Chapter X.
 Does anyone know of an English translation of that Chapter?
In regard to the comment that the Latin was for the sake of propriety, note
the note on Paedagogus II, X

212 188 For obvious reasons, we have given the greater part of this chapter
in the Latin version. [Much of this chapter requires this sacrifice to a
proper verecundia; but the learned translators have possibly been to
cautious, erring, however, on the right side of the question.]

This was taken from the online version at my old alma mater, Calvin College.

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