Re: Transliterated texts/grammars/lexicons?

From: l. j. swain (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 22:56:01 EDT

David Baines wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to B-Greek and to the study of NTG. I was just curious if anyone
> knew of any texts, grammars, and/or lexicons which are written in
> transliterated Greek, using Roman characters. It seems to me that this
> would be of tremendous use for laypersons such as myself.
> Thanks for any feedback,
> David Baines
> Virginia Beach, Virginia
> ________________________________________________________________________

I actually don't, because I wouldn't use such an animal. When as an
undergraduate I learned Hebrew, we used a text in which everything was
transliterated and exercises printed from left to right for the first
half of the book, and then it made the switch to non-transliterated,
right to left text. It was a major jolt and took a few weeks to make
the hurdle.

Greek wouldn't be as bad, since the alphabet is basically recognizable,
and is usually printed left to right. But nonetheless, I think that
learning the letter forms and how to read the Greek alphabet at the
beginning of your study will more than pay off later. That's just my
.02, for what it is worth.

Larry Swain

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